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Tactile paths: guarantee of independence and safety

EUVAL® has developed an easy system of flooring with parts in relief that guarantee accessibility, more independence and safety for the visually impaired. The system of symbols used is limited and simplified, and it is internationally recognized. Moreover, tactile paths of a different colour from the surrounding flooring can be applied to create a contrast useful as a further element of communication for visually impaired.

GO - Straight direction indicator

The system is composed by tiles with grooves that run in a straight line parallel to the direction the user is walking in. The trapezoidal shape has been studied for be more recognizable, also with a white stick.


STOP - Danger indicatorstop_new.jpg

The system is composed by tiles with a diagonal network of spherical caps, sensed under the feet so as to make walking on them for any length of time uncomfortable.


CROSS - Change of route indicatorcross.jpg

The system is composed by tiles with a close-knit network of spherical caps applied perpendicular to the direction the user is walking in. They are positioned near the points where a route change in order to indicate to the user to pay attention to the variation. 


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